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How to make gingerbread Man

Ingredients: Ginger powder 4g, cinnamon powder 2g, medium gluten flour 290g, egg liquid 30g, brown sugar 100g, butter 140g, honey 25g

Powdered sugar (icing) 210g, coloring (icing) amount, egg white (icing) 34g, milk (icing) 6g


1. Lightly whip the softened butter, then add brown sugar and beat well.

2. Add honey and mix well.

3. Add egg mixture in batches and beat well.

4. Sift in the ground ginger, cinnamon and medium flour and mix together to form a powder-free dough.

5. Wrap in plastic wrap and chill for 40 minutes.

6. Take out the dough and roll it into a sheet about 0.4cm thick. Press out the shape with the cookie mold.

7. Preheat oven at 155 ° C for 12-15 minutes.

8. When the cookies are done, remove and let cool before setting aside.

9. Icing: Beat egg white and powdered sugar until thick.

10. Frosting: Beat with milk and adjust consistency. The condition in which the whisk head drips and the lines slowly disappear when lifted.

11. Icing: Blend the icing to the desired color.

12. Squeeze out patterns and designs on the cookies and leave until the frosting has set.
In this beautiful festival, our company wishes you merry Christmas and wishes you all wishes come true in the new year
Finally HangWang semi-trailer would like to extend our best wishes to you !

Post time: Dec-23-2022